Your feedback really matters!
Whether you have bought from me online, or in person either at the studio or an event, this is my guide to help you tell the world how much you have enjoyed your Imogen’s Imagination experience.
Obviously, we all love to be told that we’ve done a good job, and I’m no different! Who doesn’t love seeing lots of gold stars!
As a small business, reviews are so important. Your reviews, testimonials and feedback help me to know that I’m doing things right…and they’ll give you a warm and fuzzy feeling too!
How to leave a review for your online order?
I’ve got you covered with a few ways to leave your feedback, depending what your preferences.
Is your design still in stock?
Simply search for your design in the shop and open the page.
Click on the reviews tab and you’ll see the option to leave both stars and a text review.
You will be asked for your email address and name, however don’t worry – only your first name will be shown on the site.
(Top Tip: Your order confirmation email will include the name of the design you bought)
How can I leave a review if my design is sold out?
Sadly, you can only leave a review for in stock designs…but you can leave me a review on Google!
Have you left a testimonial?
If you are a bespoke client, it would be fantastic if you would write me a testimonial. I know myself that writing these can be a little daunting. So to make it super simple, I’ve created a form, which will hopefully take out some of the hard work!
All you have to do is answer the questions, and I will email you a draft of the testimonial. That way you can see it before publication to make sure you are happy with the way I have used your words.
Have you tagged me on social media?
I love to see my designs in action!
Seeing how you wear your goodies, what outfit you’re wearing them with…and how much fun you’re having wearing them! That is simply the icing on the cake for me.
You can also follow my hashtags on Instagram #beretchic and #imogensimagination
Do I have to do all of these?
Obviously, it would be a-may-zing if you would use all these options to leave a review – but I’m not greedy!
Even if you have can just do one of them, I’d be so very grateful.
Thanks so much for your support,